Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Emergency contact

Today I had a follow up doctors appointment for my knee. I guess the clerk who checked me in wanted to make sure all my information was up to date. She started asking all the normal questions, address, phone, insurance info, and then she asked for my emergency contact.....  For half a second I started to say Dorothy Williams (773)-737-8222.  As I was telling her my new emergency contact, I thought about the fact that I'd used you as my contact for 25+ yrs. You were always home and always answered the phone.

Monday, July 23, 2012


Over 10yrs ago you switched perfumes, and every Sunday before church I knew you were just about ready to go because I'd smell the faint fragrance of your Estee Lauder Beautiful. And every Christmas when I'd ask you what you wanted your gift to be, you'd look over on your nightstand and say "well, I'm almost out of beautiful". On July 19, I found myself in Macy's, at the Estee Lauder counter with the tester bottle of beautiful in hand. With one smell, you where there too.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Jack Remembers...

This morning, Jack -- who usually sleeps through the night -- woke up at 2:30 AM and cried for 5 minutes.

It was at 2:30, one year ago today, that I got the first call that you died.

Jack was only 10 days old.

While nursing him that morning, I wept over his head.

He is too young to know what he remembers, but I do.